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Level 2 Topic-Attractions
「Vocabulary Review」 hǎi yáng gōng yuán 海洋公园 - Ocean Park dí shì ní 迪士尼 - Disneyland Resort wéi duō lì yà gǎng 维多利亚港 - Victoria Harbour...

Level 2 Topic-Sickness
「Practice Time」 Yīshēng nǐhǎo, wǒ juéde shēntǐ yǒu xiē bù shūfu. A:医生你好,我觉得身体有些不舒服。 Hello, Doctor. I'm not feeling well. Nǐ kěyǐ jùtǐ...

Level 2 Topic-Alcohol
「Vocabulary Review」 pí jiǔ 啤酒 - Beer pú táo jiǔ 葡萄酒 - Wine jī wěi jiǔ 鸡尾酒 - Cocktail wēi shì jì 威士忌 - Whiskey xiāng bīn 香槟 - Champagne...

Level 2 Topic - Hotel
「Practice Time」 Nǐ hǎo, qǐngwèn yǒu shénme kěyǐ bāng nín? A:你好,请问有什么可以帮您? Hello, how can I help you? Wǒ xiǎng yào bànlǐ rùzhù....

Level 2 Topic-Festivals
「Vocabulary Review」 Zhōngguó yǒu nǎ xiē chuántǒng jiérì ne? 中国有哪些传统节日呢? What are the traditional festivals in China? chūn jié -- chī jiǎo...

Level 2 Topic-Name of Chinese dishes
「Practice Time」Let's order Chinese food in Chinese ~! Nǐ xiǎng chī diǎn shénme ne? A:你想吃点什么呢? What would you like to eat? Wǒ xiǎng chī...

Level 1 Topic-Time Part 1(Date&Week)
Some tips for describing "dates" in Chinese: February 2nd in Chinese is èr yuè èr hào二月二号 Tuesday in Chinese is Zhōu'èr 周二 Year2022 we...

Level 1 Topic-Time Part2(Days/Years)
『Practice Time』 Dà qiánnián What about the year before "大前年"? So "the year before the year before last year" is Dà qiánnián大前年, so if you...

Level 1 Topic: Weather
「Practice Time」 Míngtiān tiānqì zěnme yàng? A: 明天天气怎么样? How is the weather tomorrow? Shàngwǔ qíngtiān, xiàwǔ huì xià yǔ. B: 上午晴天,下午会下雨。...

Level 1 Topic-Names For Drinks
「Practice Time」-Let's order drinks in Chinese! Nǐ xiǎng hē shénme? A: 你想喝什么? What would you like to drink? Kāfēi B: 咖啡。 Coffee Shénme...

Level 1 topic-Transportation Methods
Time For Practice 1, Do you know how to say "take a bus/taxi/MTR/train" in Chinese? zuò Bāshì/dīshì/dìtiě/gāotiě 坐 + 巴士/的士/地铁/高铁...

Level 1 Topic-Languages
So you can see from the list above, Chinese is the ONLY exception which you can not say "Zhōngyǔ 中语". All other languages in Chinese you...
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